Get to know Miss Mayoni Gooneratne MBBS, Bsc, MRCS, AFMCP

Your questions answered – some of the questions you may have about Dr Mayoni and why she created Human Health.

What is your background and why did you go on to create Human Health?

From the age of 9, all I wanted to be was a doctor. I was lucky to be brought up in a medical environment as both my parents were GPs and they showed me the power of living a life in service to others. After graduating in 2000 from St George’s Hospital Medical School in London, I went on to pursue a career in surgery and have been a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London since 2002. I was amazed at the ability to make such a direct and profound impact on someone’s life by performing the correct procedure for them.

I punctuated my surgical training with a 4 year period of research at the Blizzard Institute under the supervision of Professor Sir Norman Williams and looked at pelvic floor disorders namely faecal incontinence. I was startled at the huge prevalence of this condition in women and the fact it was such a silent but debilitating condition. This is probably where my passion for female wellness has come from! I also realised how many human illnesses were preventable or improved with better community based care which could mean a reduced need for drastic surgical options. My research period also showed me how vital it was to use the best scientific evidence to guide our clinical practice. 

Whilst pursuing my NHS surgical career, sadly all around me I began to witness and experience much of the frustration and limitations of the incredible system that I worked in. After a lot of soul searching, careers coaching and counselling, I left the NHS and began to explore options that would allow me to still look after patients to the very best of my ability but deliver my services in a more independent way. I went on to establish 2 award winning clinics in South East London – The Clinic by Dr Mayoni where my team and I offer aesthetic and medical skin treatments.

During the Covid-19 epidemic, I looked at the best way to serve our community, and Human Health was bourne! Out of my positive reflections of working in the NHS, the recent unprecedented changes from living through a pandemic, and having a medical family who have continued to work in this environment, I truly believe the way forward is prevention and education. I also believe the time is now to take action!

As a nation, we have become very illness focussed rather than wellness facing. We look for answers when our health has deteriorated to an extent where we then need medicines and surgery, which have risks and complications. This approach also places huge pressures on the NHS and the people working within it, which are not sustainable. I truly believe our future lies in understanding our cell biology, metabolic processes, gut health and how to really influence these positively. This is why I have completed my functional medicine training with the world renowned Institute of Functional Medicine and been awarded the AFMCP, with further modules in hormone health, gut, cardiometabolism, immune and environmental health. I am also the co-founder and Vice Chair of the British College of Functional Medicine.

What should I expect when I come to see you?

Expect to be given the opportunity to talk, relax and tell me everything about yourself. I want to know what makes you tick. How is your back pain affecting your life? What impact does your knee pain have on your ability to walk your dog?

Why do I want to know? Well, as a junior surgeon, one of my incredible surgical mentors, Mr Steven Snooks, showed me the artform of truly listening to my patients. “Mayoni – of course I can show you how to operate. Anyone can operate! The real art of surgery is listening. Find out what your patient is really telling you and then do the right thing for them. This may of course mean not operating at all.”

This is why the consultation is so important to me to ensure the best possible outcomes can be delivered to you. It allows you and me the time to really understand what is wrong. I will not offer you something that I know won’t work, and I will talk you through the best and worst case scenarios of a treatment whether or not you decide to go for it!

I will offer you some investigations as appropriate and then review you with all of this information again at a later point where we will then discuss what your next best steps could be. This may be seeing one of our specialists in the team or a referral else where. What ever happens, you will rest assured that the best options will be offered to you.

Who are your patients?

My patients are people motivated by where they want their health to be in the future, no matter how close or far away that may be. They want to take control and they are inquisitive about their health. They are interested and open minded to listening to the most current and evidence-based medical and allied medical advice. This may be from my physiotherapist, nutritionist or health coach.

Whilst we will be here for you, to motivate, celebrate and inspire you to achieve your health goals no matter how small or large they are, we ask that you will be at the centre of the process to improve yourself. Therefore you will be responsible for creating your own health and following the suggestions we have made. This will be key to you achieving your goals.

Dr Mayoni, based on everything I’ve read and heard about you, I know Human Health is where I want to start my health journey. What are my options for doing this with you?

Congratulations for making a choice that is going to be transformational! We would recommend you book in for a complimentary discovery call to ensure we are the right ‘fit’ for you. Then an initial consultation can be booked which can be delivered online or in person. Prior to your appointment, you will be asked to complete some questionnaires, which will help guide our consultation. During this time I will want to know all about your health journey that has led you to this point.

Human Health THRIVE

We have created THRIVE – a 12 week programme where you will be guided with self-directed education about your health along with weekly group support. Designed best for people who want specific help with improving hormone health and rebalancing during the perimenopause and menopause.


This is our weight management programme that focusses around the support from a community of like minded BodyFit members, together with a structured eating plan.

Human Health Membership

Once you have reached that point where you are back in the driver’s seat of your health, and are able to reach your goals, we know how tricky it can be to maintain this state. Of course our health will undergo changes as we get older, so we are here to help you regularly re-assess and respond to these changes with our membership programmes. You will also be invited to our Human Health VIP Alumni where regular educational events and group sessions will allow you to meet other like minded individuals.

We will also inform your NHS GP of your results and progress should you so wish.

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How are you different from other doctors?

Firstly I am a fully trained and qualified medical doctor and surgeon ......

The Human Health services are for the most part delivered remotely, for convenience and for added safety during the pandemic. Our virtual services are given via easy-to-use technology. Many of our tests, including some blood tests, can be sent for you to complete at home, some aspects of your treatment may need to be done in person. These are conducted at The Clinic by Dr Mayoni in Honor Oak Park in South East London.

Dr Mayoni’s hand-picked team of passionate and world class experts brings a wealth of knowledge and experience across all aspects of lifestyle medicine and aesthetics. Find out more about them here.

Dr. Mayoni was a general and colorectal surgeon in the NHS before creating The Clinic. Find out more about her here.

Who is Human Health NOT suitable for?

If you are someone who is:

  • impatient for results
  • not able to motivate yourself
  • not prepared to invest in yourself and your health – please remember that you are working with highly trained specialists who have invested huge amounts of time and energy training themselves to offer you the very best
  • acute or serious medical problems that need you to be seen by emergency services
  • you aren’t prepared to take guidance from the Human Health team

Why not read what we are about, look us up on Instagram, browse our blogs and go from there.

Have questions?

Contact us at 020 8699 9496 or email Customer Services.

Learn about Dr. Mayoni's expertise by viewing her biography.

Ready to help your patients reach their best possible health?



Phone: +44 208 699 9496

Address: 43 Honor Oak Park, London. SE23 1DZ

Clinic Hours:

Monday to Friday depending on in person or online requirements. Please ask at time of booking.

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