If you’re on the lookout for comprehensive care when it comes to your mental and physical health and wellbeing, functional medicine London may be ideal to assist you on your journey. Unlike traditional medicine, it offers an alternative solution which encompasses a wide variety of factors effectively targeting the problems at their core rather than just at their surface level. This integrated approach yields long-lasting results for patients and has proven to be highly beneficial.

We believe it’s vital to treat the cause of the illness or infection rather than treat the symptoms it causes, and our focus lies on preventing and reversing the effects it has on your overall health.

Here at Human Health by The Clinic, our qualified team of doctor-led practitioners and staff members are passionate about our patients and their journey to achieving greater levels of health.

We aim to empower our patients so they can enjoy long-lasting results

At Human Health by The Clinic, we want our patients to feel equipped with the right knowledge and techniques to be in control of their health destiny. We offer lifestyle medicine as well as support and advice on how to achieve this and ways to implement these adaptations through functional medicine London.

Once on the path to wellness, patients are able to experience significant changes to their health as a direct result of implementing our treatment plans. Fear not, these changes are minor and can be achievable with making small changes to your daily routine and habits. We believe in realistic treatment plans so that patients can feel empowered and confident in being able to attain their goals.

As a patient you will receive a bespoke tailor-made treatment plan from our clinic

We believe in personalising our treatments so that they best cater to our patients’ end goals. We want your dreams to be realised and in doing so we incorporate custom-made plans making use of laboratory tests and in some cases blood tests and genetic testing to achieve this.

Did you know that your mental health may also impact on your general health and wellbeing? Here at Human Health by The Clinic we understand the importance of treating the mind and body as one unit. If your mental health is not functioning at an optimum your physical self may suffer as a result.

Discover some of the healing benefits of introducing functional medicine London into your life

One of the leading advantages of enlisting the help of functional medicine is that it is personalised for each individual patient so you can reap the benefits of a truly customised health plan.

Traditional medicine and practitioners often fail to consider your unique circumstances and how your lifestyle or personal history may impact on various aspects of your health and wellbeing. Functional medicine incorporates these aspects and we create a personalised treatment plan to best cater to all your needs.

Another added advantage is that functional medicine strives to treat the disorder or infection at its core rather than purely focus on addressing the symptoms.